BVS Paraguay BVS Paraguay

Total: 3731

Seroprevalencia de infección por HIV y sífilis en cárceles de Paraguay

Six penitentiary institutions from Asunción and border cities were visited in order to determined the seroprevalence of HIV and syphilis infection. Six (0.9 percent) out of 663 sample from the prison inmates were positive for HIV-antibodies and 20 (3 percent) were VDRL reactive. These results show that ...

Aislamiento de bacterias aeróbicas patógenas de secreción conjuntival de niños

The presence of microbial organisms in conjunctival secretions always raises the doubt of whether they are the result of contamination or a real infection. Culture records of conjunctival secretion from children, who attended the Laboratory of Microbiology of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias ...

Estudio serológico de Toxoplasmosis en mujeres embarazadas de la maternidad del Hospital de Clínicas

In Paraguay, a high Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence rate (77 percent) has been estimated in adults. Our preliminary studies in 346 pregnant women from the department of San Pedro, showed a Toxoplasma gondii sero prevalence of 89 percent. This descriptive and cross-sectional study was developed in order to a...

Prevalencia de Streptococcus B hemolíticos en pacientes de alto riesgo para enfermedades de transmisión sexual

Two hundred and fourteen prostitutes from Asunción were examined in order to determine the prevalence of cervical infection by Streptococcus B-hemolytic. The range of age was 18 to 28 years, and 21 percent of them showed Streptococcus infection, and only 30 percent of the isolate resulted sensible to pe...

Estudio microbiológico de una infección causada por un cáteter permanente en un niño

Microbiologic study were done on a sample isolated from the end of a catheter used in a child who had devepoped acute bacterial meningitis after several admissons to hospital. The isolate was identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae which showed a remarkable multiresistance to the most common antibiotics used...