BVS Paraguay BVS Paraguay

Total: 3768

Polimorfismo constitutivo de la heterocromatina de una cepa de Triatoma infestans, principal insecto vector dela enfermedad de Chagas

Chromosome observations of triatomine bugs known as medically important vectors of American tripanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) were attempted. We demonstrated by the C-band technique that brazilian strain of Triatoma infestans includes at least three cytotypes in terms of constitutive heterochromatin poly...

Rehidratación mixta en niños menores de 5 años con diarrea aguda

In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of mixed rehydration (intravenous and oral) in children with acute diarrhea and showing dehydration, several physical parameters were meansured at the time of delivery to the Pediatrics Department of the Instituto de Previsión Social, and during the therapy. Su...