BVS Paraguay BVS Paraguay

Total: 3734

Estudio de prevalencia de algunos agentes etiológicos de enfermedades de transmición sexual en mujeres de alto riesgo (prostitutas)

The prevalence of Candida albicans, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, and trichomonas vaginalis as some of the most important agents of sexually transmditted disease (STD), were studied in 100 women, belonging to a high risk group (protitues). Also a questionnaire were provided, in order to determine the potential...

Precencia de receptores de células rojas sangínea de cabral en células mononucleares de mono Cebus apella

The configuration of E Rosettes with sheep red blood cells and the expression of the epitope detected for the monoclonal antibody anti-CD2 was detected in mononuclear cells from 9 Cebus apella monkeys. Nine human controls were employed, and also the results demostrated the existence of inhibition in the ...

Enfermedad de Chagas congénito: Aspecto anatomopatológico de la placenta y el cordón umbilical en mujeres con serologia positiva para la enfermedad de Chagas

Anatomopathological studies were performed in 15 placentas of pregnant women who were seropositive for Chagas' disease. Nests of Trypanosoma cruzi amastigote s were found in the placenta and umbilical cord of three of them (20 percent). The parasitism was extensive in two of the cases, where the nests we...

Tumor rabdoide de riñón: Primer caso diagnosticado en Paraguay

The rhabdoid tumor of kindey (RTK) is a neoplasia with well defined clinical and pathological characteristics. Itis is very important to distinguish it form the Wilms'tumor, because RTK is a very aggressive and has poor prognosis. The first case of a RTK diagnsed in Paraguay is presented.The diagnosis wa...